How To Fix A Crack In Wood Furniture

Wood furniture is a classic choice for any home. Whether it’s a dining room table, a coffee table, or a dresser, wood furniture adds a timeless touch of elegance. Unfortunately, wood furniture is also prone to damage, including cracking. If you’ve discovered a crack in your wood furniture, you may be wondering how to fix it. Fortunately, there are several easy steps you can take to repair the crack and restore your furniture to its former glory. In this article, we’ll discuss how to fix a crack in wood furniture.

What Causes Cracks in Wood Furniture?

Before we discuss how to fix a crack in wood furniture, let’s take a look at what causes these cracks in the first place. Cracks in wood furniture can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

• Exposure to moisture: Moisture can cause wood to expand and contract, which can lead to cracks.
• Poor construction: Poorly constructed furniture can be more prone to cracking.
• Age: As wood furniture ages, it can become more brittle and prone to cracking.
• Poor maintenance: Neglecting to clean and maintain your furniture can cause cracks to form.

How to Fix a Crack in Wood Furniture

Now that we’ve discussed what causes cracks in wood furniture, let’s take a look at how to fix them. Here are the steps you should take to repair a crack in wood furniture:

Step 1: Clean the Crack
The first step is to clean the crack. Use a soft cloth and a mild detergent to clean the area around the crack. This will help remove any dirt or debris that could prevent the repair from taking hold.

Step 2: Fill the Crack
Once the area is clean, use a wood filler to fill the crack. Apply the wood filler to the crack and use a putty knife to smooth it out. Allow the wood filler to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Step 3: Sand the Area
Once the wood filler is dry, use a fine-grit sandpaper to sand the area. This will help create a smooth surface and ensure that the repair is even and consistent.

Step 4: Stain the Area
Once the area is sanded, use a wood stain to match the color of the wood. Apply the stain to the area and use a clean cloth to wipe away any excess. Allow the stain to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Step 5: Apply a Finish
Finally, apply a finish to the area. This will help protect the repair and give it a polished look. Use a soft cloth to apply the finish and allow it to dry completely before using the furniture.

Tips for Fixing Cracks in Wood Furniture

Now that we’ve discussed how to fix a crack in wood furniture, let’s take a look at some tips to keep in mind. Here are some tips to help you get the best results when repairing a crack in wood furniture:

• Use a wood filler that matches the color of the wood. This will help ensure that the repair blends in with the rest of the furniture.
• Use a fine-grit sandpaper to sand the area. This will help create a smooth surface and ensure that the repair is even and consistent.
• Use a wood stain to match the color of the wood. This will help ensure that the repair blends in with the rest of the furniture.
• Apply a finish to the area. This will help protect the repair and give it a polished look.


Fixing a crack in wood furniture doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right tools and a bit of patience, you can easily repair a crack and restore your furniture to its former glory. Just remember to clean the area, fill the crack, sand the area, stain the area, and apply a finish. Following these steps and keeping the tips in mind will help you get the best results when repairing a crack in wood furniture.